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Blue Light Emitting Function in WIN 10

All our computer, mobile,television devices emit blue light, which really have a negative impact on our  sleep.Some mobiles do have the blue light filtering & Windows 10 has an inbuilt functionality to use warmer colors to prevent this issue. The above URL will provide further information on how to activate this feature in Windows 10
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Firewall protects the network from external threats using variety of methods. A firewall a network security system which monitors incoming & outgoing traffic & decides whether to allow or deny traffic based on the security rules. Methods of Firewall. Port Filtering MAC Filtering IP Filtering Content Filtering Dynamic Filtering


An intranet is a secure private network contained within an enterprise. It usually consists many interconnected local area networks & use leased lines (A leased line is private bidirectional communication channel between two or more locations)in the WAN. Generally intranet uses TCP/IP,Https,ssl,Tls & other internet protocols.It's actually a private version of the internet. Using port forwarding (transmission of data intended for private use only) companies can send private messages through the public network with strong Encryption/Decryption methods.

32 Bit Vs 64 Bit

Normally a computer hardware or software could come with 32 or 64 bit versions. The main difference of these versions is the way they handles the memory. The 32 Bit processor could support maximum of 4 GB RAM  whereas the 64 bit processor could support. 32 bit is 2 to the power of 32,which is equal to 4 Gigabytes 64 bit is 2 to the power of 64,which is equal to 16 Exabytes The   64 bit memory is 4 billion times more than the 32 bit, which is very huge & virtually this amount of memory could be considered as Virtually unlimited. The Ram of   32 bit supports only 4 GB memory,so any program above that capacity have to constantly get data from hard disk,which would make the computer slower. The Ram of 64 bit supports a huge memory than 32  bit,so the processes of a computer would be very higher than 32 bit.

CORE I 3 || I 5 || I 7

CORE I 3 < CORE I 5 < CORE I 7 The above line simply explains the power of cores. The numbers indicates the processing power based on certain criteria s. Number of Cores Turbo Boost / Hyper threading Cache Capacity Clock Speed More cores means more tasks could be managed simultaneously. Core I 3 has TWO cores & hyper consist with 3 to 4 MB cache memory. This doesn't have the Turbo Boost technology (This is used to increase clock speed of a computer) . Core I 3 would be ideal for soft users & it uses the battery very efficiently.Also, it's cheaper than the others. Core I 5 usually comes with dual core or quad core & the cache memory would be 4 to 6 MB.This also have he Turbo Boost Technology,which is used to automatically raise the processor's operating frequency.But this doesn't have hyper threading technology. This would be ideal for Photo editors,programmers,web developers . Core I 7  comes with FOUR ...

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Microsoft Exchange

Microsoft Exchange Exchange server enable the business user's to securely access emails from various devices. Microsoft Exchange server 2019 is the latest version. Methods used by the Exchange Account to access Email on the Server Exchange ActiveSync; MAPI/HTTP This method is widely used by laptop,phone & tablet .This method will not download or store the email in the device when accessing the email.instead it will be accessed directly from the exchange server.This will allow us to access our email even in offline mode. IMAP This also helps to access the email from any device from anywhere & it will synchronize all the email folders between device & the server. POP This method downloads the email from the server to the device .Once the email is downloaded to the device,it will be deleted from the mail server.We will have to use the same device to access downloaded emails. Email Cache The exchange email account provides the functionality to acces...